Breiner on the road
Travel adventures of a digital journalism specialist, teaching in China, Spain, Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia, Belarus...
Tuesday, September 03, 2024
Thursday, June 08, 2023
Monarch Butterly Reserve in Michoacán
We hiked from the village of El Rosario up to the Monarch Butterfly Reserve, a cool fir and pine forest at about 10,000 feet. Until 1975, scientists who study the butterfly were unaware of this hibernation site. Now it´s supposedly protected, but it´s surrounded by villages of poor folks who are unemployed and need money. Logging is a source of income.
The Wall Street Journal just did an article on the efforts to protect the Reserve. The World Wildlife Fund chronicles activities to encourage preservation and recovery of forest illegally harvested in the reserve.
In a kind of relay, the monarchs produce several generations as they migrate north, reproduce and die off. It is only the generation that hatches in late summer that migrates south and lives for eight or nine months. has more information on the migration here.
This is part of the El Rosario community, which charges admission to the site and maintains the surrounding areas. They operate dozens of little souvenir and food stands along the route up to the reserve.
We stayed in Zitácuaro the night before going up to the reserve. It´s a very busy provincial town, not very attractive, but the hotel, the Maria Fernanda, was excellent and cheap.
And of course there is an article on Wikipedia.
Tlalpujahua, with mines of silver and gold
The town´s wealth came from silver and gold mines, which explains how a little place like this could have such a magnificent church.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Pittsburgh: Sculpture, Macedonian wedding music, outsider art, and baseball
Cindy and I spent whirlwind weekend in Pittsburgh with our son, Patrick, and his wife, Jamie Agnello, both of whom have embedded themselves in the city's rich art scene. He in music, she in theater, voice work, and more.
After they finished up work on their day jobs on Friday, we went to hear Patrick's quartet play at the Con Alma jazz venue.
The next night we went to the workshop of James Simon, a well known Pittsburgh sculptor, who hosted an unusual musical event in the courtyard next to his workshop, which is filled with finished and somewhat finished works.
The music was by Bombici Akustic, which performed festive tunes from the Balkan region (description here and here). It featured Ben Opie on the soprano saxophone, Rich Randall on tapan (a Macedonian outdoor drum), Andrew Hook on sousaphone, Colter Harper on guitar, and Patrick Breiner on the C melody saxophone.
The music has complex time signatures in measures of 7, 9, and 11 rather than our more familiar 2/4 or 3/4.
Both Colter and Rich are ethnomusicologists. Colter taught at the University of Pittsburgh and now at the University at Buffalo, while Rich teaches at Carnegie Mellon.
On Sunday we took in a Pirates-Mets game at PNC park. It was pretty hot. The game went four hours. I've seen the Pirates play at the old Forbes Field in the 1960s, Three Rivers Stadium in the 1970s, and now the new PNC Park.
PNC Park. A fan who remembers one of the Pirates greats. |
On the way to the ballpark, we walked through Randyland, a quirky art museum, and had a chance to have a bit of a conversation with the unique Randy Gilson, who has created an outdoor museum of found objects and has transformed many of them into colorful shapes.
Randy is all about collecting the objects we manufacture through mass production and then throw away. He puts them into a context that makes you notice these objects and their potential for artistic expression. The museum itself is one of those old things (a building) in the old part of town that might have been torn down and thrown away.
Randy has restored this house in his own unique style. The outdoor museum is in the lot alongside. |
This video captures a lot of the flavor of the museum.
We also visited the Frick Museum. Great stuff by Rubens, Fragonard, and others. They had a display with the history of women's fashions for sports.
I also liked their Car and Carriages Collection.
Pittsburgh is a pretty cool town.
Monday, May 24, 2021
The year I spent in the darkroom
My darkroom experiences came back to me recently in a dream filled with anxiety. Not bad enough to be a nightmare. Just bad enough to recall an uncomfortable feeling of things not going quite right. And I felt like it was all my fault.
In my dream it seemed
as though I was trying to develop a roll of film in my homemade
darkroom, and failing. All the workarounds and all the cheapo
rube-goldbergian improvisations I had devised made me feel ashamed. Why
had I created this half-assed darkroom. Why had I settled for this. This
isn't a sordid tale. Just a small mystery.
I woke with that uncomfortable feeling of some unfinished business. Actually, I had improvised that crude darkroom in the unused shower stall in the basement of our house in 1966. And I really hadn't given it much of a thought for more than 50 years. In the dream world, one image conjures up another. People and events merge and divide. And the memories we create are for stories we tell ourselves. They may not have much to do with reality.
What led me to outfit a darkroom? It began when a sophomore classmate told me about the photography club at St. Ignatius High School. The school had a darkroom on the top floor of the old classroom building. A biology teacher, Mr. Flynn, was showing students how to develop film, just like private detectives did in the movies. With only a red light to work by, they would put a blank piece of paper in a tray of liquid, swish it around, and an image would appear. Cool. Could I learn to do this?
At 15, I was impatient and impulsive.
The first skill we had to learn under the tutelage of Mr. Flynn was how
to thread a roll of undeveloped film onto a stainless steel spool.
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had us practice with rolls that had already been developed. We tried it
first in the light and then in total darkness. Any light would mar the
images preserved on the film. You had to squeeze the edges of the film
and guide it into the spool so the edges fit into the slots. The flat
surface could not touch itself at any point or it would spoil the
development of the negatives. I couldn't get the hang of it. This short video shows
how you had to do it. We didn't have YouTube. I eventually took the
easy way out and bought a plastic spool whose hubs rotated in opposition to each other so that the film advanced onto the spool via friction with the outside edges. But
that was later.
Monday, August 10, 2020
In the mountains of Austria with Bridget, Phillip, and Will
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Mighty new timbers strengthen this old covered bridge. |
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William and his Dad. They had fun throwing stones into the mountain stream. |
Wednesday, August 05, 2020
We're mostly on the same side, but there is money to be made by driving us apart
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Public drinking and parties drive new coronavirus outbreaks, but sports give us some relief
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Local boy Miguel Indurain celebrates his 5th Tour de France win 25 years ago |