Monday, August 10, 2020

In the mountains of Austria with Bridget, Phillip, and Will


Cindy likes water falling over rocks. We saw a lot of that on our hikes around the ski resort town of Mittelberg, Austria. We were having a reunion with our daughter, Bridget, her husband, Phillip Ens, and their son, William (Will). Phillip was having a reunion with his old opera-singing pal, Heinz, whose wife's family owns the Leitner Hotel, a fabulous place for hikers and bikers in summer and skiers in winter.  
Mighty new timbers strengthen this old covered bridge. 

William and his dad.
William and his Dad. They had fun throwing stones into the mountain stream.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

We're mostly on the same side, but there is money to be made by driving us apart

It is heartbreaking to watch people I know and respect and love tearing each other apart. There have always been at least two sides to every argument, but now it seems there are only two extreme arguments. Anyone who is not 100% in agreement with our position is assumed to be ignorant or immoral.

What happened to moderate opinions? Where is the middle ground? Actually, the middle ground still exists, but not in the world of social networks and much of online media. Why? There is a lot of money to be made by polarizing people on the internet. This tendency fuels Cancel Culture, but we'll get to that in a minute.

The middle finger
In social media, people seem to revert to the most primitive forms of behavior. It is as though we are in our car with the windows rolled up and find something annoying about another driver. We shout, we curse, we honk, and we even give the other driver the finger. This is behavior we would rarely if ever use in a face-to-face conversation. But social media insulates from us the other person. The other person becomes the Other.